6 Cherifer Forte Syrup Taurine CGF Vitamin A, B Complex Lysine


Cherifer Forte Syrup plus Zinc is a health supplement for optimum growth and development of active children.


6 Bottles x 120ml – 720ml TOTAL

CHERIFER SYRUP  for KIDS 2 years to 12 years old

6 Bottles Cherifer Forte Syrup 

for KIDS 2 years old up to 12 years old

Height is Might

With Taurine and Double CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor)

Cherrifer Forte Syrup with Taurine and CGF is an orange-flavored vitamin preparation. It contains double strength CGF, a growth promoting and cell nourishing substance rich in nucleic acids that serve as building blocks for growth.

Cherifer Forte Syrup plus Zinc is a health supplement for optimum growth and development of active children.All of these benefits in a once a day convenient dose.

Additional information

Weight 1999 g